Research Updates | 广以举办“广东省能量转换材料与技术重点实验室”项目研讨会
本次研讨会采用线上线下同步进行的方式举行。广东以色列理工学院常务副校长David Gershoni教授、研究生院院长Moshe Eizenberg教授和项目团队成员参与本次研讨会。
广东以色列理工学院常务副校长David Gershoni教授表示,该平台项目对广以而言挑战和机会并存,考验科研人员的团队协作和资源运用能力。他希望团队成员能各司其职,发挥各自领域专长,有计划、分阶段、高质量地完成项目内容。
The seminar on the project "Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Materials and Technologies for Energy Conversion (2022)", which focuses on exploring the frontier scientific problems of energy materials and developing core technologies of energy conversion, was held in Guangdong Technion – Israel Institute of Technology (GTIIT) on January 17. The project, led by Prof. Daniel Tan from GTIIT's Materials Science and Engineering Program, is expected to be selected for the Platform Base and Science and Technology Infrastructure Construction Project of Department of Science and Technology of Guangdong Province in 2021-2022.
The seminar was held both online and offline. Prof. David Gershoni, Vice Chancellor of GTIIT, Prof. Moshe Eizenberg, Dean of Graduate Studies and project team members participated in the seminar.
Prof. David Gershoni, Vice Chancellor of GTIIT, said that the platform project presented both challenges and opportunities for GTIIT, testing the researchers' ability to cooperate and utilize resources. He hoped that team members could perform their respective duties, give full play to their expertise, and complete the project in a planned, phased and high-quality way.
Prof. Daniel Tan from GTIIT Materials Science and Engineering Program, also the project manager, briefly introduced the technical directions, objectives, core members as well as their duties, and budgets of the project. He said it has attracted more than 30 researchers from home and abroad. "As an interdisciplinary, high-level, and international platform project, it will play an important role in enhancing the strength of scientific research, attracting talents and facilitating teamwork for GTIIT."
Heads of main modules reported on the project plan, schedule, implementation and expected accomplishments.
The participants discussed the specific details of the project and the setting of objectives, and provided suggestions to further accelerate the project implementation from their professional perspectives.
Text/Photos: GTIIT News & Public Affairs