Company Visit | 知行合一,学以致用

大学 作者:广东以色列理工学院 2021-07-19 20:58:04

“生物技术与食品工程概论”是本专业学生第一门与生物技术和食品工程有直接关系的课程,也是该专业第一学年的“顶点课程”(Capstone Course)。该课程通过学生海报展示、企业参观等方式,让学生从不同途径拓宽视野,更好地理解和掌握所学知识。


Poster Presentation | 用知识生成海报,用海报证明大一




广以生物技术与食品工程专业的老师们在会上也分享了学校专业设置、科研项目等内容。Alex Samusev博士首先介绍了课程设置、学生项目、核心实验室设备等相关情况。“在食品微生物课实验项目中,我们通过案例研究来学习食品安全的概念。学生需要选择一种可能对公众健康造成潜在威胁的常见食品,并设计方案去鉴定食品中的病原体。”

广以研究院院长Harold Corke教授从两个方面介绍其科研项目,“我的研究有两个方向,一个是淀粉发酵的方向,发酵淀粉功能性成分和原料。另一个方向是利用植物天然提取物来提取抗生素。”


Yigal Achmon教授则进行食品可持续方向的研究,探究生物日晒法在处理鱼废料和食物残渣的优势。


The course "Introduction to biotechnology and food engineering" is the first course that have a direct relation to biotechnology and food engineering, as well as the Capstone Course in the first year of this program.This course allows students to broaden their horizons in different ways and better understand the knowledge they have learned through poster presentations and company visit.

Related reading:

Poster Presentation | 用知识生成海报,用海报证明大一

In order to strengthen university-enterprise cooperation and provide more practical opportunities for students, 30 freshmen from GTIIT Biotechnology and Food Engineering Program visited Tianyue Academe recently. They listened to the academic sharing from industry professors and visited the production line. 

Teachers from GTIIT also shared their research projects in the forum with the theme of " Precise and nutritious food design and its safety ", and exchanged ideas with guests about technological innovation in the food industry.

Several topics were discussed on the seminar, including the design and safety control of precise and nutritious food, common types of food poisoning and their harm, etc. Based on their own research projects and practical experience, professionals encouraged GTIIT students to transform the knowledge they have learned into productive forces and high-tech products, so as to realize their own value while contributing to the society, and to find out the true meaning of knowledge.

Teachers from GTIIT Biotechnology and Food Engineering Program shared the course arrangement and research projects in the seminar. Dr. Alex Samusev introduced the course highlight, student projects, core facilities in the lab and other relevant information. "In the Food Microbiology Lab Project, we learn food safety concepts through case study. Students choose one common food product that might cause potential threat to public health and design a plan to identify pathogens from the chosen food product."

Prof. Harold Corke, Dean for Research introduced his research project from two aspects- starch fermentation and using natural plant extracts to produce antibiotics.

Prof. Ka Yin Leung introduced his group’s research project on antibiotics-resistant gene. “Frog farm is an important industry in Chaoshan Area and there are many farms using chemicals so they can prevent diseases. We go to the farm to sample the bacterial and soil sample, try to see what is the effect to the environment and also how to improve the practice.” 

Prof. Yigal Achmon introduced his research on food sustainability. He explored the advantages of bio-solarization in fish waste and food residues management.

After the forum, students visited the beer fermentation production line, learned the composition and formula of ice cream, as well as its basis and calculation method. They also experienced the ice cream product development process.


Text/Photos: GTIIT News & Public Affairs




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