Lecture | 广以“开学第一课”:实干圆梦 不负韶华

大学 作者:广东以色列理工学院 2021-08-12 22:14:54

8月9日,广东以色列理工学院副校长、广以党总支书记林丹明为新生们讲授 “开学第一课”,激励步入人生新阶段的同学们勇担时代重任,奋力书写人生华章,用实际行动向党的百年华诞献礼。






“同学们,你们即将开启人生新的篇章,相信你们将在这里不断提高自己的认知和科研能力,发现求知求学的乐趣、享受探索与创造的快乐,践行实干圆梦的广以精神。” 林丹明副校长表示,学校的老师们将与大家一同发现创新,探求真理,为同学们的成长指引方向。


On August 9, Prof. Lin Danming, Pro-Vice Chancellor of GTIIT delivered a wonderful speech for all freshmen.

Strengthening the national strategic scientific and technological strength is the priority of the national economic work in 2021. Prof. Lin Danming said that at present, the cooperation between China and Israel in science, technology, innovation and education was confronted with new opportunities and challenges, which also put forward higher requirements for students.

Prof. Lin Danming continued the speech with a series of memorable photos about GTIIT's development. He further told the stories about how GTIIT introduced the high-quality educational resources from the Technion, a world-renowned science and technology institution, and asked the freshmen to cherish the unique teaching resources and study hard.

GTIIT's academic team, teaching features, laboratory resources, scientific research development, university-enterprise cooperation projects, international network, the construction of South Campus, etc. were introduced briefly by Prof. Lin Danming, to give the freshmen a comprehensive understanding of the university.

Adopting question-driven method in class and encouraging students to raise questions bravely are the essential features of GTIIT's teaching and an important part to cultivate students' scientific insight. Prof. Lin Danming pointed out that university was an important period to cultivate critical and innovative thinking. He encouraged students to join the professor's research team as soon as possible, so as to develop their research and innovation ability while laying a solid foundation. "Referring to the international requirements for engineer training, GTIIT has designed the comprehensive ability standards for our students, so that the cultivating of comprehensive ability for students can be implemented in every course and every subject."

The first cohort graduates at GTIIT have given themselves, the university and the society a beautiful "report card" with excellent results. "Your seniors bravely pursued their dreams and made great efforts in the past four years, and more than 70% of them have been admitted to world-class universities. I hope you can take them as an example and realize your dreams after four years as your seniors!" Prof. Lin Danming expressed great expectations for the freshmen.

"Dear students, you are about to open a new chapter in your life. You will keep widening the scope of your knowledge and improving your scientific research ability, discover the joy of learning, enjoy the happiness of exploration and creation, and implement the motto of GTIIT 'Dream it, Do it' in the following four years.” Prof. Lin Danming said that teachers at GTIIT will help the students discover the world, explore the truth and light up the road ahead for them.

Xiao Zeshen, a freshman from Chemical Engineering Program, said he was looking forward to his study and life at GTIIT after the inspiring lecture. "Studying at GTIIT has given me a chance to be exposed to the world-class teaching environment and to experience pure research and innovation. I hope I can have a meaningful and fulfilling university life here."


Text/Photos: GTIIT News & Public Affairs




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