
大学 作者:宁波诺丁汉大学 2021-09-30 19:30:31

Please scroll down for the English version - Over 90% students admitted through UNNC Special Placement Programme hold offer from world top 50 universities.






宁波诺丁汉大学于2004 年经教育部批准筹设,是中国第一所具有独立校园、独立法人资格的中外合作大学。宁波诺丁汉大学坚持培养兼具家国情怀、国际视野的优秀人才,走“小而精、高水平、国际化”的发展路径,目前在校中外籍学生8000余人,近500名学术教师来自70多个国家与地区,形成了涵盖本科、硕士、博士层次的完整的国际化教育体系。历经17年发展,学校社会科学总论、工程科学两大学科列入国际高水平学科,分别进入ESI全球前1%和0.5%。


Over 90% students admitted through UNNC Special Placement Programme hold offer from world top 50 universities 

“At the University of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNC), you can enjoy high-quality international education resources, which include a pure British-style education and international teaching staff. Further study destinations and the employment rate of graduates are also very eye-catching”, says Yingguang Deng, who received an unconditional offer from University College London (2020 QS ranking 8) but chose to study in China. Now he has just started his four-year university life at UNNC.

Some Chinese students who plan to study abroad were affected by the COVID-19 pandemic this autumn. With the support of the Ministry of Education of China, UNNC took its social responsibility as a Sino-foreign university by providing an opportunity for Chinese students who have received admission notices from top foreign universities to receive an international education domestically with a Special Placement Programme.

Yingguang Deng is not alone. This year there are a large number of applications from Chinese high school graduates holding offers from top overseas universities, making the competition quite stiff. “We have received more than 2,000 applications, and applicants are from about 30 provinces, municipalities, and autonomous regions in China. Compared with last year, the number and the quality of applicants have improved”, said Kevin Lin, Director of External Relations of UNNC Global Engagement Office.

This year, UNNC admitted a total of 366 undergraduate students through the Programme, 90% of whom have received offers from world top 50 universities such as University of Toronto, University of California--Los Angeles, and Nanyang Technological University. In addition, 119 postgraduate students were admitted through the Programme this year, many of them graduated from top universities in the nation or overseas.  

Established in 2004, UNNC is the first Sino-foreign university in China. Having developed for 17 years, on campus there are currently over 8,000 domestic and international students and nearly 500 teaching staff from about 70 countries and regions around the world, forming a complete international education system that covers undergraduate, master, and doctoral levels.

Since its founding, UNNC has persisted in cultivating excellent talent with both social responsibilities and international vision, and maintained “high-level and international” characteristics. This year, the social sciences and engineering disciplines have risen to be ranked in the top 1% and 0.5% of Essential Science Indicators global rankings respectively.

So far, the University has cultivated nearly 20,000 graduates from all three levels. Among the undergraduates who directly went to work, approximately 75% entered the world top 500 companies, listed companies and other renowned domestic or international enterprises. 30% of the undergraduates who sought for further study were admitted by top 10 universities in the world, and over 50% admitted by top 50 universities. 

文字来源 | 黄佳颖,Elena Yang







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