Upcoming Event | 纳迪尔·阿尔伯教授论新冠疫情时代的希望
有一部分人在感染了严重急性呼吸系统综合症冠状病毒2 (SARS-CoV-2) 后会发展为危及生命的肺炎,以及通常称为免疫风暴的高炎症状态。因此,创新的治疗方法亟需研发。信号转导子CD24是一种高度糖基化的小分子,是锚定在细胞膜上的GPI,在许多信号转导途径中发挥作用。CD24 已被证明通过多种机制在抑制炎症信号中发挥重要作用,尤其是 NFĸB。我们开发了过表达免疫检查点蛋白 CD24 [EXO CD24 (OBCTCD24 Ltd., Israel)] 的外泌体,用于治疗 COVID-19 诱导的免疫过度激活。在此,我们提出了概念验证研究,即服用EXO CD24来抑制细胞因子和趋化因子的产生,从而治疗 COVID-19疾病最重要的并发症。
讲座语言:英文 (届时将安排线上同传)
纳迪尔·阿尔伯是特拉维夫医学中心和特拉维夫大学萨克勒医学院的医学和胃肠病学教授。他是癌症研究的Yechiel and Helen Lieber教授。他于1987年毕业于耶路撒冷哈达萨的医学院,曾在拉宾医学中心(1987-1991年)担任内科住院医师,并在特拉维夫医学中心(1991-1993年)担任胃肠病学研究员。他于1990年完成理学硕士学位,1991年完成工商管理硕士学位。他还在纽约哥伦比亚大学综合癌症中心的Bernard Weinstein博士实验室作为该中心的领导和主任(1993-1996年)获得了三年的研究奖学金。
1999 年,他被提名为胃肠病学系 GI 肿瘤科的负责人。2002 年至 2008 年,他在特拉维夫大学萨克勒医学院担任医学博士论文委员会的负责人。2006 年,他在特拉维夫医疗中心建立了独一无二的综合癌症预防中心。2008 年至 2014 年,他担任特拉维夫大学萨克勒医学院的资助委员会主任。2010-2017年,他任特拉维夫大学癌症研究中心主任。2011 年以来,他担任 Djerassi-Ellias 肿瘤学中心的负责人。2014-2017年,他在特拉维夫大学建立了Dotan血液肿瘤中心。2014年,他当选以色列胃肠学和肝脏病学会主席。2015-2017 年,他担任以色列胃肠病学和肝脏病学会主席。2018 年,他被选为欧洲肿瘤学学会 (ESMO) 癌症预防部门的负责人。
Lecture Series
The "Guangdong-Technion Leadership in Science and Technology Lecture Series" has been held at GTIIT since last month, to provide a platform for high-impact dialogues that explore topics that are pertinent to our faculty, our students, and our community.
Please click the following links for the lectures of this series:
The next lecture of the "Guangdong-Technion Leadership in Science and Technology Lecture Series" will be delivered by Prof. Nadir Arber of Tel Aviv Medical Center & Tel Aviv University – an expert in the field of cancer prevention. Currently he leads a promising research project related to Covid-19.
Prof. Nadir Arber will present two separate lectures with scientific and popular perspectives respectively, entitled EXO-CD24 - Promise in the Corona Age - the Road From an Idea to a Groundbreaking Reality. EXO-CD24 is an anti-coronavirus drug invented by Prof. Nadir Arber.
A small but significant proportion of those infected with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) develop life threatening pneumonia and a hyper-inflammatory state often referred to as the cytokine storm. A great need exists for innovative therapeutic approaches. Signal transducer CD24 is a small heavily glycosylated molecule, that is GPI anchored to the cell membrane, and plays a role in many signal transduction pathways. CD24 has been shown to play a major role in dampening inflammatory signaling via multiple mechanisms, and in particular NFĸB. We have developed exosomes over-expressing immune-checkpoint-protein CD24 [EXO CD24 (OBCTCD24 Ltd., Israel)], to treat COVID-19 induced immune hyper-activation.
Herein, we present proof-of-concept studies that the administration of EXO CD24 targets the most important complication of Covid19 disease by inhibiting the production of cytokines and chemokines.
Popular Lecture
Date: December 30th, 2021 (Thursday)
Time: 19:00-20:00 (Beijing Time)
13:00-14:00 (Israel Time)
Venue: GTIIT Auditorium
Language: English (Simultaneous interpretation will be available)
Zoom Link:
(1) By mobile phone: please scan the QR code to enter the lecture
(2) By PC: please visit the website below to enter the lecture
Scientific Lecture
Date: January 6th, 2022 (Thursday)
Time: 19:00-20:00 (Beijing Time)
13:00-14:00 (Israel Time)
Venue: GTIIT Auditorium
Language: English (Simultaneous interpretation will be available)
Zoom Link:
(1) By mobile phone: please scan the QR code to enter the lecture
(2) By PC: please visit the website below to enter the lecture
Prof. Nadir Arber
Nadir Arber
Professor of Medicine and Gastroenterology
Yechiel and Helen Lieber Professor for Cancer Research
Head - Health Promotion Center & Head - Integrated Cancer Prevention Center
Dr. Arber, is an outstanding researcher and physician, expert in internal medicine, gastroenterology, health promotion and cancer prevention. He has changed the landscape of cancer prevention and management in Israel, by establishing the first integrated cancer prevention center at Tel Aviv Medical Center and by leading cutting-edge, out-side of the box, translational research in the field of cancer therapy. Dr. Arber’s world-wide reputation among the health care providers in Israel and in the world, based on his publications and achievements.
Nadir Arber (MD, MSc, MHA) is a full Professor of medicine and gastroenterology in Tel Aviv Medical Center and Tel Aviv University, Sackler School of Medicine. He is Yechiel and Helen Lieber Professor for Cancer Research. He had graduated medical school in Hadassah, Jerusalem, in 1987 (graduating Magna Cum Laude). He had done residency in internal medicine in Rabin Medical Center (1987-1991), and fellowship in gastroenterology in the Tel Aviv Medical Center (1991-1993). He had completed his MSc in 1990 and MBA in 1991. He also had three years of research fellowship at the Comprehensive Cancer Center at Columbia University, NY, at the laboratory of Dr. Bernard Weinstein, leader and director of the center (1993-1996).
The following are the milestones of his career: In 1999, he was nominated to head the GI Oncology Unit at the department of gastroenterology. In 2002-2008 he had headed the MD thesis committee, at Tel-Aviv University Sackler Medical School. In 2008 – 2014 he had headed the grants committee of the Sackler School of Medicine in Tel Aviv University. In 2006, he established the unique Integrated Cancer Prevention Center at the Tel Aviv Medical Center. From 2010-2017, he became the director of the cancer research center of Tel Aviv University. Since 2011 he is the chief of the Djerassi-Ellias oncology center. In 2014-2017 he established the Dotan hemato-oncology center in Tel Aviv University. In 2014 he was the president elect of the Israeli society of gastroenterology and hepatology. In 2015-2017 he served as the president of the Israeli society of gastroenterology and hepatology. In 2018 he was chosen to lead the cancer prevention section at the European Society of Medical Oncology (ESMO).
Text/Photos: RIGS, GTIIT News & Public Affairs
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