保留海外学籍、在国内体验国际化教育, 宁波诺丁汉大学开创留学“新道路”
Please scroll down for the English version - A "study abroad" programme in China: UNNC creates innovative international education programme.
受全球疫情影响,持有2022QS世界排名第85位的奥克兰大学录取通知书的黄智聪,第一学年基本在国内上网课。在对今后的学习感到迷茫时,他得知了宁波诺丁汉大学“Study Local(留学生借读)”项目,“我毫不犹豫地提交了申请。”黄智聪说。
疫情的影响仍在持续,我国部分学生出国留学受阻。在教育部的政策支持下,宁波诺丁汉大学开创性地推出“Study Local”项目,与海外一流院校合作,推进学分互认,让中国留学生既可以在宁诺校园学习和生活,体验国际化教育,又能保留海外学籍。待疫情缓解后,学生可以继续去往原海外院校学习。
Study Local
推出至今,项目已收到400多位中国留学生申请,他们来自北美、欧洲及澳洲等地的10多所海外一流院校,如墨尔本大学、英属哥伦比亚大学、伯明翰大学、康涅狄格大学。“很感谢宁波诺丁汉大学给我们的中国留学生提供这么好的机会!”墨尔本大学国际办的Eloise Lyndon老师说,“他们很高兴能去往美丽的宁诺校园。”
为了让留学生获得优质校园体验,宁诺制定了一系列针对性支持服务。“我们一边联合三大学院以及英语语言学习中心进行课程研发和扩展,一边积极与合作院校沟通协商,让学生可以无缝衔接两边课程。”全球事务办公室的张钰老师介绍,“同时,学校为Study Local的同学定制了便捷的申请系统并提供技术支持。在宁诺学习期间,为他们预留了单独的自习室,让他们既可以跨时区兼顾原海外院校的线上课程,又不会打扰其他同学。”此外,为了帮助学生更好的融入宁诺校园生活,学校还组织了文化探访、集体观影等一系列面向借读学生的活动。
黄智聪参加宁诺“Zero to Hero”5公里跑活动
学期即将结束,但许多学生仍想申请继续留在宁诺,项目新一批的申请人数和生源质量也在持续提升。目前,宁诺正根据反馈,对Study Local进行回顾和改进,计划将项目合作拓展至更多海外一流院校。
86-574-88180000 (8005)
A "study abroad" programme in China: UNNC creates innovative international education programme
After learning about the “Study Local” programme at the University of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNC), Zhicong Huang, who held an offer from the University of Auckland – a renowned university ranking 85th around the world according to QS2022, applied without hesitation. Before that, Zhicong had spent his first year academic year taking online courses in China due to the impact of the pandemic.
Similar to Zhicong, a number of Chinese students planning to study abroad are now unable to do so due to the pandemic. In response, and with the support of the Ministry of Education, UNNC launched the innovative “Study Local” programme. Through close cooperation with global partner universities and the mutual recognition of credits, Chinese students can study and live in UNNC while retaining their roll in the university abroad. They may resume their study overseas once the pandemic eases.
Since its launch, the programme has received over 400 applications from students of renowned universities in North America, Europe and Australia, including the University of Melbourne, the University of British Columbia and the University of Birmingham. “We are very grateful to UNNC for providing such a great opportunity for Chinese overseas students. Students are pleased to be learning and living at UNNC,” said Eloise Lyndon from the international office at the University of Melbourne.
To provide these students a better campus experience and a more consistent learning environment with different courses, UNNC has formulated a series of supportive services. Catherine Zhang from the Global Engagement Office of UNNC detailed the university’s special application system for “Study Local” programme students, and the reservation of exclusive study rooms for them to take the courses of their overseas institutions without disturbing other students. “In order to help them better adjust to the campus environment, we organised a variety of activities for them, such as cultural visits and filming. ”
“Although I have been taking online courses for a year, I felt that my college life did not start until I came to UNNC campus,” said Zhicong. “Famous entrepreneurs from renowned enterprises like Apple and Hays are often invited as guest speakers, who always bring up to date business insights to the classroom. The efficiency of study and communication with professors and classmates improved drastically.”
The autumn semester is coming to an end, but many students hope to apply to study for longer at UNNC. The new round of applications also saw a rise in both quantity and quality of applicants. Currently, UNNC is reviewing and improving the programme in line with feedback, carrying out further interactive exchange projects with even more top overseas universities.
Embedding and enhancing collaboration to build a university without borders is one of the strategic goals of UNNC. In the future, the university will further expand and deepen its cooperation with global partners. It will continue to commit to social responsibility as Sino-foreign university to solve practical problems and provide opportunities for a high-quality international education to more students.
Should you have interest in or any enquiries about “Study Local”, please contact:
86-574-88180000 (8005)
文字来源 | 全球事务办公室,赵舒妍,王逸涵
图片来源 | 全球事务办公室,黄智聪
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