Address Review | 校长致辞,动人一幕

大学 作者:广东以色列理工学院 2021-07-13 21:03:22











在广以的学习并不轻松,你们除了需要适应全英文教学的挑战,还面临着思维模式的转变,甚至是重塑。你们常常被老师“逼着”思考、“逼着”提问,或许你们当时会感觉到“苦”,但今天回想起来一定是甜的。在毕业生专访中,同学们无一不提到老师们在大学学习、生活中产生的重要影响,这是只有苦后才能品尝的甜。陈同学说:“这四年里,我的教授一直鼓励我们提出问题,不要害怕犯错。”黄同学说:“Israel Gutter教授是一个十分热爱教学的老师。他让我感受到一个真正热爱自己研究领域的人对自己事业的痴狂,也让我看到了一个十分纯粹的学者模样!”唐同学说:“Fabian Rios老师非常热爱他的工作。课堂上他是深受大家喜爱的优秀教师,课下他是我们幽默的‘戏精朋友’。我们一起聊美食、聊生活,一起开玩笑,他也会很真诚地与我们分享他的人生哲理。”在这里,还有很多很多像他们一样的优秀老师,他们是你们的良师,也是挚友,你们也是他们的小伙伴、也是他们的好朋友!




亲爱的同学们,你们即将走出广以校园,请记住,你们依然肩负着广以人促进人类和平与发展的使命。我很庆幸,我不需要在这里说“躺平青年”---这一热烈讨论的社会话题,因为我们这里没有躺平。你们肯定已经体会到了,在广以,试卷上的每一分都是青春酿造的汗水,你们从来不曾躺平!未来你们也不会躺平,因为广以人总是dream it, do it。


亲爱的同学们,出发吧,是时候亮出广以人的身份了。广以人不缺梦想,拿出你们“dream it, do it”的魄力,去做个勇敢的追梦人吧;广以人不缺勇气,拿出你们用青春和汗水铸就的宝剑,去迎接未来的挑战吧;广以人也不缺恒心,拿出你们脚踏实地的作风和刻苦严谨的态度,锐意进取吧;广以人更不缺担当,用你们的家国情怀,为世界和平与发展奋斗吧。



GTIIT Commencement for Bachelor Degree Graduates 2021 was held successfully at the Auditorium of GTIIT North Campus on July 11. Prof. Gong Xingao, Chancellor of GTIIT addressed a speech on the ceremony. He hoped the graduates could take the knowledge they learned and the innovative qualities they built at GTIIT in the future pursuits of science. 

On the cerenomy, Prof. Gong Xingao asked all the graduates to stand up and express their gratitude for their parents. People were all moved by the actions of the students.

Please slide up to read the full text

Distinguished leaders, guests, faculty members, parents, and dear students,

Good afternoon!

The day is sultry with heat, which is not unusual at this time of the year for Shantou. Equally intensive is my excitement for today’s major event- the first commencement ceremony for undergraduates at Guangdong Technion Israel Institute of Technology.

For the graduates, today will be a day they will never forget; for GTIIT, it is a day destined to go down in history. It gives me great honor to witness this momentous occasion.

As the only Sino-Israeli cooperative university with an independent legal entity in China, Guangdong Technion- Israel Institute of Technology marks a new starting point for cooperation between China and Israel in the field of education. It could not be established without the strong leadership and support of the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee, the Guangdong Provincial Government, the Shantou Municipal Party Committee and the Shantou Municipal Government; it could not be established without the enthusiastic commitment and vision of Mr. Li Ka-shing and other public benefactors to the cause of education; it could not be established without the dedicated work of the leaders and colleagues of Technion and Shantou University; and it could not be established without the diligent efforts of all the faculty and staff of GTIIT. My sincere gratitude and high respect goes to all those who have made significant contributions to young GTIIT in accomplishing its first five-year development goals.

Four years ago, we went off as a newborn university with no immediate reference and almost zero histories. The Class of 2017, nevertheless, joined and entrusted us with their dreams and support. Four years passed by in an instant. Now you are about to knock on the door to the future for bigger goals. I want to thank the Class of 2017 for the choice you made four years ago! It must have been a hard-to-make choice. It is safe to say, today, that you all have proven it a wise one, and you will not regret it in the future.

In four years, you have created student union and societies from a humble beginning, making the campus culture vibrant. You have put forward great suggestions and feedback for GTIIT. You have worked together with teachers to overcome difficulties. Every achievement of the school would not have been a reality without you. You are the first graduating class, the founders, builders, and practitioners of our culture, and the authors of the first chapter of our history. For me, you are the utmost achievement since the establishment of GTIIT!

Now, right in your hands sit your desired job or school offers. You have gained mentorships and friendships as precious as gold. Nothing testifies your right choices better than your dreams-come-true. Nobody else serves better as GTIIT’s spokesmen than you all! You, have made me proud.

Learning at GTIIT is far from an easy task. Adding to a full English teaching environment, challenges are imposed by a change of mindset, one I’d rather describe as a “reshape” of minds. You were often "forced" to think and ask questions. You might have had struggling moments, but today you shall pat yourselves on the back for having not given up.

In all of our graduate interviews, students often mentioned their role models for both their lives and studies-the faculties. "During these four years, professors always encouraged us to ask questions and not to be afraid of making mistakes," said Jiahang Chen. Xinyi Huang told us, "The level of passion for teaching displayed by Professor Israel Gutter made me realized how obsessed a person could be with his loved field of research. He has a soul of a pure and dedicated scholar!"

Shaokai Tang shared with us that "Fabian Rios is very passionate about his work. He is a well-respected and -loved teacher in the classroom, and becomes a ‘master of acting’ as soon as the classes end. We talked and joked about food and life, when he would share his life philosophy with us sincerely." Many other great teachers like them here have become your best mentors and friends, and you are their good little fellas too!

GTIIT is a Sino-foreign cooperative university of science and technology. From Technion, we inherited foreign cultures and advanced educational concepts, blended them with Chinese culture in cultivating engineers and scientists. Students are equipped with a strong sense of innovation and a broad vision, who rise to the calling of their countries and contribute to human peace and development. The school’s teaching and research activities center around three main areas: energy, environment and human health. We are committed to developing in students a sense of mission- to "pursue the truth and explore the truth", and to "serve and contribute to society".

At GTIIT, you have come a long way in mastering the basic knowledge and scientific thinking in your disciplines, in coming to a deep appreciation of the unique innovation and entrepreneurship concepts of Technion. You uphold the scientific philosophy of "leaving no gaps unattended" and welcome "life’s failures”. After four years’ study, you have rediscovered and reinvented yourselves, no longer confused, and full of confidence.

Today, I must express my deep gratitude to the parents. You have been most caring for our first class of graduates for over two decades. Credit goes to you too. To us, you’re family. I urge you to continue your support to GTIIT in every way for our future endeavors.

Class of 2017, may I now ask you to rise. Dear parents, in front of you, are young adults talented with suitable skills and grateful minds. Dear students, show your gratitudes to your parents right now.

Class of 2017, you are about to leave the ivory tower. In any circumstances, please bear in mind your mission of contributing to human peace and development. I am glad that no one stops pursuing and fall back to “lying flat”. You know it by heart that every academic credit can only be earned by hard work. You have never given up trying and you never will. We in GTIIT “dream it, do it”.

GTIIT sends you off to the wide-open arena, and you will eventually bring GTIIT to the larger world. You marked the first chapter of GTIIT’s history. GTTIT grew you, and you, in turn, will define us with your future prestige and reputation.

Today, you will leave the university and embark on the new journey as an alumnus. Please dream big and aim high. Take the knowledge you learned and the innovative qualities you built at GTIIT in your future pursuits of science. I hope you will be a lifelong learner, bold in questioning and brave in facing challenges. Be open-minded, united and tolerant. You will never stop, never give up and stay forever young. As the chancellor, I believe that GTIIT alumni will live up to their names and shine like sun, wherever and whenever you are.

Now it’s time to let the ship sail. It is time to call yourselves a proud GTIITer. Dream it, do it. We GTIITer are ambitious, hence we put our strength to the real test; we are persistent, hence we get our hands dirty and forge ahead; we are accountable, hence we march to the world peace and development.

Never will you forget, dear Class of 2017, that GTIIT will always be with you. No matter how long or how far apart you are, your alma mater will always be your home, your anchor and your guiding star. Mentors and friends in your alma mater will always be there for you. GTIIT is ushering in a new chapter of development and so are you. Graduates, it’s your time now. Keep up your good work, and GTIIT will go along with you!

Thank you all!



Text: GTIIT University's Office, GTIIT News & Public Affairs

Photos: GTIIT News & Public Affairs




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