Video Competition | 用视频展示广以,让理工非常文艺
广东以色列理工学院副校长兼总干事Eran Gal-Or、汕头大学党委宣传统战部部长杜式敏、广东广播电视台汕头记者站站长黄妙杰、汕头融媒集团视频创作中心副主任杨溢、吉隆坡电影学院院长及汕头电影工业协会顾问胡禄丰、南方都市报N视频编导李琳受邀作为本次大赛的评委,为入围作品打分并给予专业建议。
2021 年,广以在由N视频举办的“粤港澳大湾区高校大学生优质原创作品扶持计划”中表现出色,获得“十佳校园团体奖”。未来,学校将继续为在校学子营造良好的创作环境,使大家能生产出更多富有创造力的作品。
The first "100 Life-style of GTers" video competition of Guangdong Technion - Israel Institute of Technology came to asuccessful conclusion. This event aims to fully demonstrate the demeanor of GTIIT students, stimulate their creativity, and increase their participation in the university’s daily publicity work. The competition has received positive responses from faculty and students of GTIIT and has gained widespread attention.
Prof. Lin Danming, Pro-Vice Chancellor of GTIIT, expressed his sincere thanks to the judges, contestants and spectators. He said that GTIIT provides students with a platform to show their talent and creativity. Many works of this competition break the stereotypes about science and engineering students only focus on learning and scientific research and show the charm of science and engineering students.
The competition lasted for 2 months and received dozens of works. In the end, ten entries were finalists. The works covered various videotypes such as Vlog, short story, photo flash, time-lapse photography and so on.The works show the students’ learning and life inside and outside the campus. Although GTIIT students are not major in media related program, the creativity and teamwork spirit embodied in their works has been unanimously recognized by the judges and the audience.
Mr. Eran Gal-Or, Pro-Vice Chancellor and Director General of GTIIT; Ms. Du Shimin, Director of Publicity and United Front Work Department of Shantou University Party Committee; Dr. Huang Miaojie, Director of Shantou Reporter Station of Guangdong Radio and Television Station; Mr. Yi Yang, Deputy Director of the Video Creation Center of Shantou Media Group; Mr. Jeremiah Foo President of Kuala Lumpur Film Academy, Advisor of Shantou Film Industry Association; and Ms. Li Lin, Director of Southern Metropolis Daily N Video came to the final part as the judges. They scored the works and gave professional advice to the contestants.
Ms. Li Lin also brought a professional lecture titled "From Idea to Action, Video Editing Skills Needed to Know". She useda large number of works to show the current popular direction in the video field. She also taught the practical skills of video shooting and post-production to the audience.
After public voting and on-site judges scoring, the competition decided a first prize, three second prizes, five third prizes and one internet popularity award. Congratulations!
The First Prize:
Tomorrow by Zhang Ke'ang
The Second Prize:
Fingertip Vision by Liu Runying
A Day of Gters by Huang Siqi
My Four-Year-Time at GTIIT by Huang Siqi
The Third Prize:
My GTIIT Story by Zou Jiayu
100 Life-style of Gters by Zhi Dexiang
GTers' Experimental Routines by Li Yuhan
GTers' Colorful Life by Li Yuhan
The first perspective to measure the drinking water quality of restaurants around GTIIT by Tian Muzi
Internet Popularity Award:
My Four-Year-Time at GTIIT by Huang Siqi
The works can be viewed by the article below-
This video contest is a successful attempt for GTIIT students in video creation. Currently there are more than 70 members in GTIIT Student Media Center, which is dedicated to the creation of university-related articles, pictures and videos, and produced a lot of excellent works.
In 2021, GTIIT won the "Top Ten Campus Group Award" in the support program for high-quality original video of college students in the Guangdong-HongKong-Macao Greater Bay Area organized by N Video. GTIIT will continue encouraging students for more excellent video creation.
Text: GTIIT News & Public Affairs
Photos: Shantou Reporter Station of Guangdong Radio and Television Station, GTIIT News & Public Affairs
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