Event Review | 以梦为马,不惧远航
7月11日,广东以色列理工学院隆重举行2021年本科生毕业典礼。广东以色列理工学院本科生院院长Dganit Danino教授在仪式上发表致辞。她介绍了学校首届本科毕业生的情况,对同学们取得的喜人成绩表示热烈祝贺,希望他们能继续勇敢自信地追逐梦想,实现更高更远的目标。
你在四年前的决定已经产生了影响,你们的到来为学弟学妹们铺平了道路。在这四年中,广东以色列理工学院的学生数量从最初大约 200 人增加到 1000 多人,本科专业数量从三个扩展到五个,第六个专业也正在筹备之中。南校区正在迅速建设,以满足学校快速发展的教学和科研需求。
在今天毕业的 149 名学生中,超过10% 的学生GPA高于90分。99 名学生决定继续求学深造,一些学生计划留在校园以进一步丰富他们的研究经验,还有一些选择去到企业和政府机构,开始自己的职业生涯。
在计划继续深造的学生中,有 9 人将去到以色列理工学院,12 人留在广以攻读硕士课程,3人被希伯来大学直博录取。学生们收到超过50封来自世界前50名大学的录取通知书——加州大学伯克利分校、康奈尔大学、哥伦比亚大学、杜克大学、哥本哈根大学、墨尔本大学······这只是部分院校,名单很长很长。
Dream it! Do it!
עלו והצליחו
GTIIT Commencement for Bachelor Degree Graduates 2021 was held successfully at the Auditorium of GTIIT North Campus on July 11. Prof. Dganit Danino, Dean of GTIIT Undergraduate Studies delivered a speech on the ceremony. She introduced the performances of the graduates and hoped they could be confident to move forward to their next destination.
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Dear Vice Governor, Technion and GTIIT managements, faculty and teachers, family members, and our dear students:
This is a very special and exciting day, the day that GTIIT and the Technion provide you, our first cohort students, official records declaring that you are now Engineers. Congratulations!
4 years ago, you opened an invisible door, and bravely stepped-in to our new campus. Selecting GTIIT was a significant decision! We know that you did not look for easy, nor fast, nor traditional. On the contrary, you were pioneers searching for high level, different, and rewarding high education. You trusted the legacy of the Technion - a leading university of the startup nation, that tiny country, that is nearly 10th of the size of the Guangdong region, and even smaller size when considering the population. You made a brave decision, a successful decision.
Likewise, we, GTIIT and the Technion, invited you to join and initiate this great project. And when inviting you to the Technion family, we also asked you to stand to the Technion high standards and requirements, to meet new challenges, to work hard, and recognize the opportunities awaiting at the end of a long road. Indeed, it was a long path – studying in a foreign language the very demanding Technion program, teaching schedule that penetrates your evenings, Saturday and Sunday classes that leave very little free time. And then the world that is trembling and changing in front of our eyes with confinement, quarantine, social distance, online learning, home study, zoom class, and green code shaping our days and becoming part of our regular thoughts and actions. Yet all these did not stop you, and you successfully completed your studies.
You were motivated, determined, and dedicated, and we saw you opening up and flourishing - young and shy when coming to school, and here you are now: open and confident to ask questions and speak up. Confident in the education and knowledge in your hands, confident to move forward to your next destination.
Your decision already had an impact as by opening that invisible door, you paved the way to the other students and cohorts that followed. During these 4 years the number of GTIIT students grew from about 200 to over 1000. 3 study programs expanded to 5, with the 6th on the way. The south campus is rapidly shaping to host the fast growing university and fulfill the teaching and research needs.
Let me share with the families and guests some of your achievements and plans:
Over 10% of the 149 students that graduate today have a GPA of over 90. 99 students decided to pursue further higher education, some students stay in campus to further expand their research experience, and some already integrated in industry and government institutions.
Among those who continue their studies 9 students joined the Technion, and 12 more joined the GTIIT-Technion master program. These mirror the true strong bonds of trust, respect, potential and opportunities established between the home and daughter institutions.
3 of our graduates were accepted to direct PhD track at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, more than 50 invitation letters arrived from the top-50 universities in the world – UC Berkley, Cornel, Columbia university, Duke, NY university, University of Copenhagen, University of Melbourne are just few to mention, the list is long…
Before summarizing, I wish to approach a few specific groups:
GTIIT faculty, teachers, and tutors – you are a strong pillar of our school. You came from the far with shining eyes, to educate the Technion way. Your spirit and dedication excited the students and made an important change.
I also convey our strong appreciation to the GTIIT staff and the UG office team for continuously and professionally accompanying our students through their journey.
Parents, family members and friends: you have a central part in the students’ success. I have learned that in the Chinese culture like in the Israeli culture, education and family are central values. Family is an anchor of support; Our students, your children, were able to fly high because of your continuous support. We felt your care to our school during the regular as well as the recent crazy times, and we want you to know that appreciate it very much. Thank you on behalf of GTIIT and the Technion; we welcome you to the Technion community.
And on behalf of the GTIIT community, as well as the Technion and the home faculties, I wish to congratulate the students and wish you to continue to be successful and prosper. You are now leaving with high hopes - Know that we are very proud of you. Use the toolbox you earned in school, continue to learn, analyze, ask questions, dare, be creative, face challenges, and at the same time identify the opportunities that come along your way. And above all – please, keep well and safe, and be happy. Stay in touch with us and tell us about your achievements; We have full confident that you will be successful - you already showed to yourself and to us that you can do it!
Dream it! Do it!
עלו והצליחו
Thank you!
Text: GTIIT Office of Undergraduate Studies, GTIIT News & Public Affairs
Photos: GTIIT News & Public Affairs