Interview | 徐鹏:做一只能在黑暗中找到硬币的鹰

大学 作者:广东以色列理工学院 2021-11-17 20:37:39

前不久,广以君刊发了《 “广以范”初创公司完成预种子轮投资》一文,介绍了人造脂肪公司“Yali Bio雅礼生物”的进展。近日,广以君对该公司联合创始人兼首席科学顾问、广东以色列理工学院副教授徐鹏博士进行了专访。



广以有着开放多元包容的文化以及创新自由的机制和国际化的精神,这是学术创新的根本要素。世界正因为像万花筒般的差异化以及多样性,才会变得如此精彩。以色列理工学院倡导的理念 “Gain the knowledge and serve your nation(专业精进,服务国家)”,我很认同。广以给教职员工和学生提供了一流的科研环境与学习条件,我们的学生、教职员工和学校职能相关部门都非常优秀,和优秀的人共事也是我一贯的追求。




潮汕牛肉丸和潮汕菜天下一绝,潮汕是著名侨乡。我的朋友中,有来自马来西亚和印尼的华人以及台湾同胞,他们大多数都源于潮汕和梅州。这个地方有独特的文化传统,开拓进取创新的精神,走出了像李嘉诚、马化腾等商界精英。 大城市有大城市的喧嚣,小城市有小城市的静谧。淡泊宁静,是我们力量的源泉。现在广以就在龙泉岩下,听闻晨钟暮鼓,“朝饮木兰之坠露,夕餐秋菊之落英”,这可能是教书做研究最理想的环境。








这是我的一点浅薄见解,不成体系。产业创新需要对资源进行优化配置、对技术可靠性及政策进行评估、对市场进行合理的预测,不能去构建空中楼阁, 项目要落地, 要解决并服务于国家的长远战略或民生的基本需求。学术创新需要博闻强识,融汇贯通,先打好专业理论基础,才能建筑高楼,所谓“九尺之台,起于垒土”;要敢于质疑并挑战权威,有基础的思辨和逻辑思考能力,愿意接受并尝试各种新事物,才能有所突破。



师者,传道授业解惑也。我求学工作过程中,有一位老师对我影响深远。他是麻省理工学院资深教授、现代生化工程的一代宗师王义翘 (Danniel IC Wang)教授,王教授的博士生M. Croughan在论文致谢中,这样评价他的导师: An owl can see in the dark and find lost coins(一只能在黑暗中观察的鹰,找得到丢失在黑暗中的硬币);An owl can soar above the trees and view the entire forest(一只高高飞翔在树梢之上的鹰,能看得见整个森林); An owl can build a nest and raise more owls (一只会筑巢的鹰,培育出一大群鹰)。作为一名老师,学生就是散落在黑暗中的硬币,希望我们能用智慧和言传身教来启迪学生。本人有幸蒙先生教诲,被提名并获取了2020年“生物工程与生物技术王义翘奖”(Biotechnology & Bioengineering Daniel IC Wang Award)。这是王教授生前最后一届颁奖,本人深感责任在肩。愿我们传承先生遗风,肩负先生的治学理念,解决关系国计民生的实际问题,为国为民,脚踏实地地推进生化工程领域的工作。




我们中国人既平凡又伟大,危难时刻, 普通老百姓身上所传承的家国情怀精神尤为宝贵 。多一些埋头苦干,去解决关乎全球人类福祉的事情,比如能源健康环境问题。大道之行也,天下为公。新一代年轻人身上蕴含着无限的潜力,必将在民族复兴、科技强国的道路上闪耀光芒。




希望大家能够挑战自我,打下坚实的专业基础,勇于创新,善于创新,青出于蓝而胜于蓝。你所取得的一切, 所走过的路,所经历的人和事,能像风筝一样承载你的梦想,飞跃千山,跨越重洋,但你们不要忘记,这个风筝的线,永远与你的故土家人、亲人和你的根连结在一起。10到15年以后,我们希望看到你的风筝,承载你的梦想在天空翱翔。在求知科研的道路上,不要“弯道超车”,不要“曲线救国”,永远做最真实的自己。今日你们播撒汗水、信心和希望,明日必将收获一片蓝天。引用明代教育家朱熹的《偶成》与同学们共勉:少年易老学难成,一寸光阴不可轻。未觉池塘春草梦,阶前梧叶已秋声。



建议大家闲暇之余,读一些优秀的文学作品,比如梁启超的《少年中国说》、闻一多的《七子之歌》以及方志敏的《可爱的中国》。100年前,面对积贫积弱的中国, 这些仁人志士没有消极,而是肩负起了民族复兴、国家统一的历史使命。

我虽然在一个平凡而普通的工作岗位,但我给自己立了以下约定:传道授业,洁身自好,允公允能,有责任有担当。我和朋友最近创立了雅礼生物科技(Yali Bio),广以的学生家长送上了殷殷祝福:行稳致远!这也是对我莫大的鞭策与激励。

Not long ago, GTIIT News & Public Affairs published an article titled “Artificial Fat | A ‘GT style’ startup completed pre-seed funding” which introduces the progress of the artificial fat company Yali Bio. Recently, we conducted an exclusive interview with Dr. Xu Peng, an associate professor of GTIIT who is also the co-founder and chief scientific advisor of the Yali Bio company.


In the previous article, you mentioned the reason why you joined GTIIT. Can you expand on it?

GT has an open, diverse, and inclusive culture, and promotes freedom and international collaboration, which are the fundamental elements of academic innovation. The world has become so wonderful due to its kaleidoscope-like difference and diversity. I agree with the concept “Gain the knowledge and serve your nation” advocated by the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology. GTIIT provided first-class research facilities, learning and living environment for the faculty and students. Working with outstanding people is my consistent pursuit, and our students, faculty, staff, and related departments at GTIIT are all extraordinary.

Dr. Xu Peng


How did you feel about the Chaoshan area and the school environment after arriving at campus?

Chaoshan beef balls and Chaoshan cuisine are unique in the world. Also, Chaoshan is a famous hometown of overseas Chinese. Among my friends, there are Chinese from Malaysia and Indonesia, as well as compatriots from Taiwan. Most of them could find their roots in Chaoshan and Meizhou area. The unique Chinese traditions preserved here, as well as the pioneering innovative spirit, have an influence from generation to generation. For example, prominent business elites like Li Ka-Shing and Pony Ma were growing up under the impact of this culture. Metropolitan area is filled with bustle and hustle, while we could enjoy serenity and harmony in small cities. Calm and tranquility are the source of our strength. GTIIT is at the footage of the Shantou Longquan (Dragon-Spring) Rock, hearing the morning bells and evening drums, “drink the dew of magnolia in the morning, chew the petals of the autumn chrysanthemum in the evening” (a quote from a famous Chinese poem). This is probably the most ideal environment for teaching and research.


Which teaching tasks will you undertake? What is your scientific research plan?

I will mainly be responsible for teaching the foundation courses of chemical engineering, biochemical engineering, and synthetic biology. These courses are designed to help students understand chemical unit operations, biochemical reaction principles, cellular and genetic regulation processes, and to make adequate preparations for students to enter graduate school or the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries. In contrast to the research methods of pure biology, we will use engineering and quantitative perspectives to study biological processes.

Dr. Xu Peng introduces the lab equipment

My laboratory will conduct scientific research and engineering practices centering around 'synthetic biology and intelligent control'. The main research contents include metabolic engineering, green manufacturing of biomolecules, the feedback control theory of cellular intelligence, and biochemical reaction networks. Just like IT engineers customizing various application programs, we, as synthetic biologists, modify the genome, which is the central processing unit (CPU) in the cell for its running and decision-making. In the laboratory, we use genetic tools to rewrite and program the DNA language, then re-implant it into the cell (which is ATGC). After this, the cell will be able to understand our instructions and execute the DNA program. With this program, we will be able to optimize the information flow and material transportation process within the cell and improve the cellular function, metabolism, and bioconversion efficiency. At the core level, it involves the storage, memory, copying, compilation, and decoding of the DNA language. Our main work in the lab is to customize the genetic applications (APPs) with the DNA language, recode to define a brand new operating systems (the genome), and build unique input/output (I/O) APPs which can be compiled and executed by the cell's CPU. These functions can be used in many areas including CO2 fixation, biopharmaceuticals, energy, health, regenerative medicine, environmental protection, and crop yield improvement. Unlike the computer language and machine intelligence, the organism is a self-replicating and self-repairing system with adaptability and evolution. In short, it is very cool research. Welcome students to my office to learn more (you can also find my email on the school's official website).


Please talk about your understanding of technological industrialization innovation and the path of scientific innovation.

In my shallow opinion, industrial innovation requires optimal allocation of resources, evaluations of technological reliability and policies, as well as rational predictions of the market. Instead of building castles in the air and indulging in empty talk, the projects should be realistic to solve and serve the long-term welfare of the nation or the basic needs of people's wellbeing. Academic innovation requires us to be thoroughly acquainted with our area. In such a way, we can process the information, integrate it and find connections between the missing parts. Only by laying a solid, professional and theoretical foundation can a high-rise building be built. The so-called "nine-foot platform starts from the base of soil". Don’t be afraid to question and challenge authority. Equip yourselves with critical and logical thinking skills, and embrace all kinds of new challenges. In this way, you may walk on the path of scientific innovation.


As a young teacher, what do you think of “being a mentor and educating people”?

“Teachers are the one who preaches wisdom and passes knowledge to solve doubts.” For me, there was a legendary teacher who had a profound influence on me. He is Professor Daniel I.C. Wang, an Institute Professor at MIT and one of the founding fathers and trailblazers of modern biochemical engineering. A Ph.D. student of Professor Wang, M. Croughan, acknowledged his mentor in his essay, “An owl can see in the dark and find lost coins; An owl can soar above the trees and view the entire forest; An owl can build a nest and raise more owls.” Students are like lost coins scattered in the dark. As teachers, I hope we can use wisdom and personal experience to enlighten students. I am honored to receive Professor Wang's teachings, be nominated and won the 2020 “Biotechnology & Bioengineering Daniel IC Wang Award”, which is the last B&B Wang's award during his lifetime. I am deeply aware of this responsibility, and would like to carry on Professor Wang’s legacy, shoulder his academic spirit, solve the practical problems related to the national economy and people's livelihood, and promote the work in the field of biochemical engineering in a down-to-earth way for the country and the people.

Dr. Xu Peng (left one) and his students


What mission do you think Chinese scientists should undertake?

In times of crisis, the patriotism and courage inherited by Chinese people are precious. Let's focus more on practical things to solve issues of global well-being, such as energy, health, and the environment. As an old saying goes, "When the Great Daoism prevails, the good becomes common as grass, and the world wealth and fairness is for everyone”. The new generation in China has unlimited potentials. They will surely shine upon the road and put forward our national rejuvenation and technological development.

Dr. Xu Peng introduces the lab equipment


Would you like to give some suggestions to GTIIT students?

I hope you can challenge yourself, lay a solid professional foundation in your study, have the courage to innovate and be good at innovation. As a Chinese proverb goes, “The pupil outperforms the master”. And I hope that the things you have achieved, the roads you have traveled and the people and things you have experienced will carry your dreams like a kite, flying over thousands of mountains and oceans. But don't forget that the string of this kite is always connected with your family, your homeland, and your roots. After 10 to 15 years, we hope to see your kite, carrying your dreams flying high in the sky. In the pursuit of knowledge and scientific research, please don’t look for shortcuts or detour. Be authentic and be true. If you sow sweat, faith and hope today, tomorrow you will harvest a bright future. Finally, I want to use the poem from the Ming Dynasty educator, Zhu Xi, to encourage our students, “One may fail to succeed as time passes by, so we should cherish time to never let them fly. Before he wakes up from the grassy dreams, the autumn leaves in the wind had started to cry”.


Thank you for your interview, do you have any other suggestions?

I recommend our students to read some master pieces in your spare time, such as The Youths China by Liang Qichao, Song of Seven Sons by Wen Yiduo, and Beloved China by Fang Zhimin. When China was in the period of enduring impoverishment and long-standing debility, those great people with lofty ideals and worrying heart did not indulge in depression. Instead, they shouldered the historical mission of achieving national rejuvenation and homeland’s reunification.

Although I am in an ordinary faculty position, I have the following expectations for myself: to be an efficient teacher and pass on the knowledge to the students, to preserve my moral integrity, to dedicate to public interests, to gain all-round capability, and to be receptive and responsible. My friend and I recently founded Yali Bio, and we received many well-wishes from students and their parents. As they say, “walk steady to reach the distance with appropriate rules and deeds”, which is also a great incentive and inspiration to me.   

The original English translation of this scripts is credited to GTIIT students: Chen Wenhao, Lin Dewei, Guo Chuchu, Yang Shaojinlin, Chen Yousheng, Chen Han and Cao Junyi et al. Dr. Xu Peng and GTIIT News Department would like to thank their time input.



Text: Xu Peng, GTIIT News & Public Affairs

Photos: GTIIT News & Public Affairs




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